Monday, July 11, 2011

A Day Out

A day out with the girls at an amazing estate....lovely.

Wishing to be Ms Eliza Bennett never feels so powerful
than when you see something comparable to 
the Pemberly Estate.

 How could you not fall in love with this ...

 The Tiffany exhibit is running right now,
the foliage is an inspiration of those glorious lights.



It was a great day

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Lost childhood toys

So while going through our attic my hubby pulls down a large black bag saying, "I think this is yours."

It turned out to be a few of my stuffed animals from my childhood!!

How fun to go through there and find a care bear with it's little tuft of hair gone because I liked to cut it off. You see, my sister would normally get the same toys as I, and I only wanted to make sure I knew which was she couldn't play with it. Seems reasonable enough to me.


And then there is Beaver.  
I don't know why but my brother, sister and I always fought over this thing.

It is rather scary looking now :)


But my Best Friend was Velvet.  

My dad bought him for me for Christmas when 
I was 8.

He has a velvet nose and had a velvet bow until
I decided she was a he. 

So my dad took the bow and made a tie out of it :)

Velvet has worn it the same way for 22 years. 

He doesn't like change.

Lost and found

I had a post...and I lost it.  I was playing around with my blog here and did something to my very first post.  Some how it was deleted....but it's ok, I'm learning as I go.

We had a great party at my mom's pictures though.  I was very busy hanging out and watching my adorable 2 year old be...well 2.

I'm very happy to have been born here in the States, and to live now in South Carolina. I didn't think I'd like it here and had planned not to stay.  Well we know how that turned out.  But over the years I've come to love it here, the city and the people.  Although we don't get out as much as others, it's still enjoyable!

These are photos I've taken from around our lovely state.  They all have great memories connected with them

 Just driving for the fun of it in a '72 Mustang

 Caesar's Head with the flag flying

 And a lovely bumblebee in downtown Greenville

Yes, I absolutely love it here. I've found love, acceptance and parenthood here...I think I'll stay.